An Overview of QHHT

A QHHT session has two main components: the past/current life regression and the conversation with the Subconscious.  The session starts with a brief consultation to discuss your background and what has brought you in.  After the initial interview, we induce a deep state of trance, through visualization, to guide you to the life that is most relevant to your current life, and then lastly, we initiate the conversation with the subconscious.

*In this technique the term “Subconscious” relates to either the subconscious, the Higher Self, the Oversoul, the Holy Spirit, Higher Consciousness, the Collective Unconscious, or the Universal Mind.


Before the Session

As soon as you decide to have a QHHT session your Subconscious mind will begin to process what energy needs to be released, healed, or brought to your attention. This is helpful because you will need to create a written list of questions to ask your higher self during your session. You can ask questions regarding life decisions, relationships, the past, past lives, or anything else. People seek out sessions for many reasons; health, disease, clarity, and curiosity are very common situations to address with QHHT. Nothing is off limits. It is important to begin writing your questions down as soon as possible because you will discover that they may change daily as your subconscious mind begins expanding with more ideas and thoughts.  They will evolve as they are written down, which will provide you with more depth and insight. Your questions are most easily answered when they are open ended. 


What to Expect During Your Session 

  • QHHT sessions last approximately 3.5-5.5 hours and include a digital recording of the session.   

  • Try to avoid caffeine before the session.

  • You can come to your session wearing comfortable clothes, with an open mind, and your list of questions for the Subconscious to answer. 

  • We’ll begin by talking about your life, health, relationships, and we will set the intention for the session.

  • After the induction, the past/current life regression is the first component of the QHHT technique. It usually involves being regressed and guided through an appropriate past life, through various scenes in that life, and eventually through to the death scene. 

  • Approximately one to three lives are shown during a single session. While traversing these timelines, increased awareness and clarity are gained. You may discover why certain patterns in your life have manifested and residual emotional weight may be released. The new perspectives you gain can provide resolution and induce greater healing.

  • The last part of the session is the direct contact with the subconscious. The Subconscious holds the records for everything there is to know about you and the life you are living. Obtaining answers to your questions is crucial to the healing aspect of the technique as it provides comfort, support, and greater understanding of your current situation.  The Subconscious will only choose to share information that is appropriate and will be of the most benefit to you. During this part we will also do a body scan and ask the Subconscious to clear any blockages and ailments in the body.

After Your Session

Hypnosis can create a natural interactive hemispheric brain state; a harmonious flow between your left and right hemispheres.  This relaxed feeling can continue for a number of days. You’ll notice that you may sleep deeply and restfully the night after your session, and may even have very vivid dreams. This is a continuation of the interaction between the different levels of your consciousness.  

  • Give yourself the time and space to reflect or ‘process’ what has transpired. Observe the ‘processing’ taking place as your energetic clearing and healing will be ongoing for a number of days.  Expect to have more intuitive spontaneous thoughts and ‘knowings’.

  • Drinking lots of water is highly recommended to cleanse and ground the body. The benefits of water as a cleansing aid can be utilized even more when you  shower with the intent of deeply cleansing your subtle energy bodies or using a handful of salt in your bath water.

  • Spend a moment each day in gratitude for the healing and consciousness shift that has taken place. Also, include appreciation for your body’s ability to heal  itself.  Gratitude moves you into your heart space which supports the healing process in the very best way.  You will receive the most benefit from your session if your participation is coupled with your intention to heal, and if you follow the guidance that you yourself  have provided throughout the session (through direct communication with  your own subconscious).

  • Please listen to the recording of your session  daily, or as much as possible after your session to receive further clarity and benefits.